Evaluate Your Child’s ABA Program
Sticker charts, M&Ms, and a few high fives is not an ABA program! How can a parent determine what an ABA program is and [...]
Halloween Social Story!
Social Stories are wonderful and fun visual aids to go over with your child before "spontaneous" or "out of the ordinary" events occur. Feel [...]
Communication Tips!
Reduce the amount of words used to explain yourself. During early learning, instead of "Tommy, I need you to pick up the green ball from [...]
In the Kitchen with ABA
While I love every ounce of my profession, my biggest goal is using ABA principles and techniques to teach kids to be KIDS! Discrete Trial Training [...]
“But my child doesn’t have AUTISM!”
The most influential and widely cited review of the literature regarding efficacy of treatments for Autism is the National Research Council's book Educating Children [...]
Flexible Thinking Obstacle Course
Flexibility can be taught in many different ways and it's a skill that can and should be practiced daily. After discussing what we mean when we [...]
My 3 Favorite Therapy Apps!
If you've had parent training classes with me, you should be well aware that I am not a fan of free access to screen time [...]
Behavior Analysis: It’s not just a job, it’s a Passion
I love Applied Behavior Analysis. When I say LOVE, I mean I have a passion for working with children that need a specialized way of [...]